CFA 1 - 10 Questions

A portfolio manager's small cap portfolio has a beta of 1.2 and standard deviation of 40%. Over the past year, the portfolio returned 10%, the market returned 7%, and the risk-free rate was 2%. The Sharpe ratio is closest to:
Which of the following statements regarding market efficiency is least likely accurate?
The intercept of security characteristic line (SCL) is:
In the event of bankruptcy, which of the following is most accurate?
In conversation with a prospective client, a portfolio manager stated “I cannot guarantee that you will earn 18% on equities this year but I can provide you a range within which your return will lie. My range is quite popular among my clients and has a history of ten years. Each year, I develop the range by using financial models, economic forecasts and accredited reports. Based on the CFA Institute Standards, the portfolio manager:
The Sharpe Ratio measures'
The debt-to-assets ratio is most accurately classified as a:
GIPS standards least likely resolve misleading practices related to:
Under U.S. GAAP at the end of year 1, EBB would recognize $0 revenue, $0 cost of construction and $0 income. The $26 million expenditure would be recorded as an increase in inventory account and decrease in cash (if EBB paid cash for all expenditures).
Earth, Sun, Moon, and Star firms have market shares of 28%, 22%, 15%, and 10% respectively. The 4-firm Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is closest to:
CFA 1 - 10 Questions
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